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L119 Joy is known for her lively personality. Researchers describe her as spunky and curious. She is often seen breaching playfully over and over again, sometimes playing with bull kelp, holding long pieces between her teeth and tail notch while leaping into the air.
She is a member of the large and interesting family of L12 Martiline, of which consists of Joy, her little brother Whistle (born in 2019) their mother Matia (L-77) Matia's younger sister Calypso and her two offspring as well as two adopted family members. Mystery is a male who is the only survivor of his family and Ocean Sun, also the only survivor of her original family. Ocean Sun born in 1928 is the oldest Resident Orca. This family is known for its independence often leaving the rest of L Pod for extended periods of time. No one knows where they go or why. Joy was Matia's first calf and was born in 2012.
L119 Joy

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