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K43 Saturna born to K12 (Sequim), her third calf, February, 2010
There’s not a lot of information out there about Saturna. She is the fifth offspring of Sequium (K-12) and the third to have survived. She has an older sister Sekiu (K-22 – b. 1987) who is the mother of Tika (K-33) born 2001. Saturna also has a brother Rainshadow (K-37, b. 2004) who she is often seen playing with. She is described as rambunctious, spunky and playful. Still a teenager, she will reach reproductive maturity within the next couple of years. Hopefully, she too will carry on her matrilineal line and give birth to a healthy calf with the noticeable whispy lines found on her saddle mark – a family trait that has been passed on for at least three generations.
K43 Saturna

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