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Our first spoken word was delivered at the protest site of the Westridge marine Terminal in Burnaby.  It was written onroute to the protest, inspired by the publication of Judge Aflec's statement that "Seniors are are an especially sinister threat". We were delighted!  We rehearsed on the bus going over.  The title was "We are the Senior Sinister Sisters, We're here with a Mister and We won't go Away!"

For sound press the lower right corner

We added verses, a few nifty moves, some props and a few more Misters.  This was delivered at our Rights of Nature event.

And Mary Anne Pare raised the bar with her brilliant solo Spoken Word performances.  Her rhythm & poetry combined with her keen understanding of what we are fighting for continues to inspire us.  Here are a few audio recordings of her work.

J 17 of J POD of the Salish Sea
00:00 / 03:32
Drive the Bus!
00:00 / 03:54
00:00 / 03:55
00:00 / 03:02

Our first event

Salish Sea Day of Action event on Pender Island, BC, Canada. September, 2018

special thanks for David Ohnona for filming and editing, and Colin Hamilton for lights and sound.

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