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Mailing Addresses: Feds, Provincial & Local Gvt


Prime Minster Justin Trudeau
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 


Catherine McKenna- Minister of the Environment- House of Commons, Ottawa, Ont K1A 0A6


Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister, Fisheries and Oceans, House of Commons,Ottawa, ON.,K1A 0A6


Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, House of Commons,Ottawa, ON.,K1A 0A6


Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance,House of Commons,Ottawa, ON.,K1A 0A6


Kirsty Duncan – Minister of Science:House of Commons,Ottawa, ON., K1A 0A6


NDP Premier John Horgan, Parliament Buildings 
Victoria, BC  V8V 1X4

Langford – Juan de Fuca Community Office
122 – 2806 Jacklin Road
Victoria, BC V9B 5A4


Adam Olsen, MLA, 215-2506 Beacon Ave.Sidney, BC   V8L 4T9

Parliament Buildings 
Victoria, BC  V8V 1X4


Elizabeth May, Confederation Building, Room 518 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Riding Office1 – 9711 Fourth Street Sidney, British Columbia V8L 2Y8


Mayor Lisa Helps - City of Victoria
1 Centennial Square
Victoria, BC V8W 1P6


Mayor Steven Price, 2440 Sidney Avenue, Sidney, BC     V8L 1Y7

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