Ecojustice goes to court and uses the power of the law to defend nature, combat climate change, and fight for a healthy environment for all.
Our strategic, innovative public interest lawsuits lead to legal precedents that deliver lasting solutions to our most urgent environmental problems.
Ecojustice remains committed to holding the government accountable and making sure it meets its responsibility to protect these endangered orcas.
We are health care professionals and educators, artists and politicians, farmers and faith workers, foresters and social workers, students and elders. Over 40% of us are senior citizens, and about 60% of us are women. We are concerned citizens. We are broken-hearted.
We want the world to know we are not violent, nor extreme. We are simply co
ncerned humans who are heartbroken by what is happening to our natural world. Heartbroken by the trampling of First Nation rights. Heartbroken that our country has not only failed to become a leader in the green energy sector, but will be a major contributor to climate change, the poisoning of our land and water, and the displacement (and even death) of thousands of our world's citizens.
Raincoast uses rigorous, peer-reviewed science and community engagement to further our conservation objectives. This approach is called ‘informed advocacy’ and is unique amongst conservation efforts. Investigations are made to understand coastal species and processes. Decision-makers and communities are informed and thus inspired to take action to protect wildlife and their wilderness habitats.
Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience to achieve radical change in order to minimise the risk of human extinction and ecological collapse.
The Green New Deal (GND) is a coalition of workers, artists, Indigenous leaders, scientists, youth, and people directly impacted by climate catastrophe -- -- who want to ensure a safe world for our children and all generations after that.
That’s why we stand united in support of an ambitious policy platform that re-tools our economy to respond to the multiple crises we are faced with today.
Winning this kind of ambitious plan will take all of us.
We need to build a massive movement of people to drive our politicians to take action.
Greenpeace uses peaceful protest to work towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment.
Friends of the Gulf Islands is a collaborative effort by islanders and others who love the British Columbia Gulf Islands.
The focus is on the Islands Trust, a unique form of a public “trust” created by the BC legislature in 1974 to stop unrestrained development and preserve the natural environment and rural character of the islands for all British Columbians.
The purpose is to encourage or advocate for the Islands Trust to better fulfill its obligations under the Trust Act “to preserve and protect” the trust islands during these times of increasing development pressures and the climate crisis.